Modernism Invisible Man

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Modernist characteristics of subjectivity and growth of inner self are found in Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. Just like how people were born into a certain race during the Modernist period, in Invisible Man, the protagonist was born into the black race. This led Invisible Man to face and fix problems through the affect of his grandfather's speech. This speech also had a great impact in the growth of his inner self throughout the novel. Because IM was born into a certain race the white society keeps him running as far away from success as possible. In the quote, "Many of the men had been doctors, lawyers, teachers, civil service workers; there were several cooks, a preacher, a politician, and an artist. One very nutty one had been a psychiatrist. Whenever I saw them I felt uncomfortable. They were supposed to be members of the professions toward which at various times I vaguely aspired myself, and even though they never seemed to see me I could never believe that they were really patients." (Ellison 74) there is a comparison between what IM wants to achieve in becoming and the jobs that part of the black society has taken up. It shows how IM's dream of becoming those professions is as hopeless as the blacks who do have those jobs, because even though they have a job, they are being…show more content…
The white society is controlling them to keep them away from success just like how people made IM running, "Keep this n*gger-boy running" (Ellison 33") Also the quote, "About eighty-five years ago they
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