Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man

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The Invisible Man Malcolm X once said, “We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.” The novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison focuses on society’s image of the single person, in this case the narrator goes through his journey of shaping himself. Throughout the novel, the narrator searches for who he really is and what his meaning in this world is. The narrator is steered in many directions by others but never by his own mind. There are multiple scenarios which depict many ways on how the narrator betrayed his own values just to please others. The narrator thought by letting others shape him into the person the others, such as the brotherhood, wanted him to be the narrator would finally…show more content…
At this point, the narrator is so enraged with how he has been treated by others and himself that he delivers the most enthralling and rousing speech the narrator ever has before.The narrator directs his speech to those on the city streets, unlocking something within that he never encountered before. Sensing a change in himself the narrator now looks for someone else to turn to and it is Brother Jack that he finally chooses. Brother Jack introduced the Brotherhood to the narrator because who wouldn’t take a well educated dormant speaker and put him to work and use him for the Brotherhood’s own benefit. Once again, the narrator notices something peculiar. He begins to change. Growing more eloquent, more courageous, and more self-aware. The reason for this change can be blamed on the Brotherhood, but the Brotherhood thought this change began the narrator’s growth and the Brotherhood soon finds that it cannot stop the narrator’s growth. It was like that awful feeling from earlier in the years was coming back to the narrator; the feeling of betrayal. The narrator was betrayed by the Brotherhood because as soon as the narrator had the potential to be greater than everyone else the Brotherhood wanted him out. This ultimately led the narrator to believe that the only one that can shape him is himself. As soon as he changes himself to fit the atmosphere which he is surrounded by to fit everyone else’s shape, the narrator always comes back to seeing that the only one that can shape him is him himself on his
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