Review Of David Eagleman's Incognito: The Secret Lives Of The Brain

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In David Eagleman novel, Incognito-The Secret Lives of the Brain he introduces mind-boggling facts about the brain, purposes a brain model, and motivates the audience to support adding more brain research into the American Justice system. Eagleman includes old and new theories such as Frued’s view on the unconscious mind and his own theories on how much information is in your brain versus how much you think you have. David Eagleman is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist who got his degree from Baylor University. His goal as a neuroscientist is to uncover the how the brain brain constructs perception and how different brains act differently, so that we can function in society. There are four major topics that Eagleman focuses on: they involve,…show more content…
I think that this book is for students in the medical field or other doctors, because Eagleman expects his audience to understand old medical theories, know the brain and body parts and he uses high level vocabulary, including medical terms. With that being said, I personally found this book was slightly challenging. I could understand a majority of the information, because I am in anatomy, biology, chemistry, and have done a neurology medical internship, but it still took some effort including looking up terminologies and theories. Even after I completed the book, I still was still slightly unclear where Eagleman stood in terms of his research in connection to other theories. This could be because there is no correct theory. There is so much to learn about the brain that you cannot put in one book and you cannot research in one lifetime. Regardless of the difficulty in this book, I thought it was interesting. Anything with the brain interests me, so the studies and different theories are something I want to continue to research in college. Lastly, none of the information seemed to surprise me, but I found it interesting. I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in the understanding the brain, but understands medical terminology and the

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