Ethics In The Indian Army

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Ethics in Indian Army Wikipedia explains ethics as a branch of knowledge that involves recommendations, systemization, depending and concepts of right and wrong conduct. There could be several factors that may force a person facing ethical dilemmas, evaluates the situation and clearly finds a difference between good and bad morally in order to follow the rules and code of professional conduct. Miliary is an important component of any nation. A country maintains it military inorder to The Indian army is the 4th advanced and powerful armies around the globe with largest land forces followed by the air force and the navy. The president of India is the chief in commander of the Indian army force. The Indian army has been in a number of war including…show more content…
The reasons for the decline in the discipline, ethos, culture and ethics of the Military is that the military personnel comes from a society where value system is eroded for various reasons and it is difficult for them to remain immune to these corruptions. These can be controlled by training the ethical factors. Recently the chief general V.K.singh has made a statement during an interview that, the moral values and the ethical values in the armed force is not abstract rather it is the foundation upon which the entire edifice of the service organization has been built. The indian army is held in high esteem by the citizen of the country. For a civilian ,its not important what the Armed force has done so far but how do they do it which increases the public expectations of an exemplary behavior. A question was often asked that why is the society with ruthless and harsh mind demand honesty and commitment from an armed force? The function of an armed force is to protect the interest welfare as wellas the culture of nation from any threat. The answer is simple,the defence system must be willing to risk their own lives and protect the interest and welfare of their nation. The leaders should be so trustworthy and inspire such confidence that their subordinates are following the commands by risking their own lives. Traits like loyalty, selflessness an commitment are only second nature that serves a nation or a society. In the current scenario, when all the virtues lack behind in society ,it is vital and mandatory for the armed forces to uphold the moral and ethical values regardless of degradation in outside world.The profession of army leader is far more better than any of the other professional armies in the world. Due to the moral values and the ethical values, the soldiers find it much

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