Mental Health Care Internship Analysis

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The Mental Health Providers of Western Queens is a community-based agency that provides a wide array of services. Since it’s a community-based agency, the clientele are from the Western Queens area of New York and some portions of Brooklyn, New York. There are four departments in the agency, such as the Consultation Center, School Based Services, Care Management and Recovery Services. My internship focused on the Care Management aspect of the agency. The Care Management department administers case management services of those with behavioral health issues as well as severe medical conditions. This department is contracted with NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene as well as Medicaid Health Homes. The agency provides services to…show more content…
I have done home visits before in a previous internship, however I never was in areas I was not accustomed to. Therefore, at first I had a very stiff demeanor and just observed and helped the case managers I was shadowing. I stayed quiet and said a few words here and there. However, as I adjusted to the fear and the neighborhood I was in over time, I was able to interact with the clients just as I would any one else. As I learned their stories, and saw how determined some of the clients were to get help, I became more personable and empathetic for their situations. From interacting with the clients in all different neighborhoods, I realized that I had to stand strong no matter where I am. Even when I am in the violent areas that I see on Television, I need to do my job as I can. Fortunately, I will never go alone to these locations where I feel unsafe and necessary safe precautions in…show more content…
The Case Mangers works with their clients to build their own social constructions. Most clients consider themselves a failure to society’s norm of function, which can be depressing. The mangers help recognize that society norms but that does not have to define them and what their future will be. For example, Jane is a pregnant teenage and “, for those teenagers who do become pregnant each year in the United States, the above social construction attributes a negative value judgment to their identity, depicting them as unwise, immature, and ill equipped for motherhood. Failing to achieve this standard norm, these women, consequently, are viewed as failures in this area, and their pregnancy is not simply unplanned but also a mistake” (Dybicz, 2015). This is what most pregnant teenagers believe and encompass their every day thoughts. Dybicz ( 2015) states that rather than focusing on society norms, the case manger should able to counteract those norms and help the client functional adapt to the new obstacles she will face. By giving the teen that strength and courage, she is more active and encouraged to get the best prenatal care as possible. By helping the client get prenatal care, it is a huge step forward for that client because some teenage pregnancies many health complications because of lack of prenatal care due to embarrassment by the teenagers. At

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