Disadvantages Of Parasites

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Muhammad Hammad Zafar 2010-dvm-075 Article Title : Parasites are responsible for transmission of different diseases in animals Submitted To :: Dr. Hassan Mushtaq Parasites are responsible for transmission of different diseases in animals Introduction Parasites are those organisms which live on the expense of other organisms. Their relationship with other organisms are not symbiotic or not commensalism as well. Parasites can harm those organism from which they are getting benefits. They can cause serious diseases as well which can compromise their life. Parasites cannot kill the affected organisms directly like predators which directly kill their prey to get their food or any other benefits. Parasites can reduce the fitness of an organism. Parasitism is the phenomenon in which parasites affect and harm the host adversely. Types Parasites can be divided into different types on different basis e.g. on the basis of their interaction with the host and on the basis of their life cycle Some of the types are described as follows: Ectoparasites are those which live on the surface of the animal e.g mites Endoparasites are those which live inside e.g. all types of parasitic worms. They can also be divided into two types…show more content…
geese) in the Mediterranean basin, eastern Europe, and westem regions of China. 1 The disease is particularly significant for sheep in these regions where it is more prevalent than strike by the calliphorid fly, Lucilia sericata. Other species of this genus are known from North America, but they do not infest domestic species. They are predominantly reported from very young rodents and birds, although there are occasional reports from infants.2 Mortality of infested hosts tends to be very

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