Men Without Chests Analysis

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World War II dominated the United Kingdom in the 1900s leaving, individuals feeling overwhelmed and devastated. The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis was published in the midst of the war striving to exhort the act of challenging existent philosophical values and defend the fact that abolishing man’s conscience results in the damnation of the human soul. C.S. Lewis acknowledged that rejection of natural law tradition of objective right and wrong is prominent in the Western world as it was being taught in schools, resulting in the collapse of the society. C.S. Lewis articulates an argument towards authority destroying Western moral vision and advocates redemption through the use of analogies, which simultaneously allows him to invoke feelings…show more content…
In Men Without Chests, C.S. Lewis emphasizes that the foundation of the fall of society is commonly due to the Green Book which elaborates on the aspect of choosing objectivism over subjectivism and “debunking” emotion. C.S.Lewis refutes the deconstructionism present in the curriculum the schools in the United Kingdom through his act of fortifying the Green Book in his statement, "Gaius and Titius, while teaching him nothing about letters, have cut out of his soul, long before he is old enough to choose, the possibility of having certain experiences which thinkers of more authority than they have held to be generous, fruitful, and humane" (Lewis, 9). Educators initiated a new set of tradition in hopes that students would think and act a certain way of a genuine human character and prevent corruption. C.S.…show more content…
Lewis guides the reader in “The Way” to complete the understanding of the central idea that the preservation of society enforces the access of the Tao to which higher authority chides. The flaws of the Green Book involve dysfunction in the development of students becoming an adulthood based on the interference of their full potential on their impulses. The Tao is the foundation of all values and thus ignoring the Tao results in poor judgement. C.S Lewis culminates his argument with "What we have by nature is an impulse to preserve our own children and grandchildren; an impulse which grows progressively feebler as the imagination looks forward and finally dies out in the deserts of vast futurity" (Lewis, 38). The phrases “feebler” and “dies out” derives from the idea that aspects in society are constantly changing and existent values are being forgotten to coincide with the war. Thus, the structure of society is diminishing, creating concern to the lives of their own children and future generations. The apparent impulse upon individuals is to sacrifice themselves for their own loved ones, but not for posterity. However, with propaganda heavily prevalent in society, individuals attain "growing imagination" in regards to the unknown outcomes of the war. Propaganda strives to enforce people to support war effort and defend the United Kingdom, which is often successful at a time of instability. Readers can sense the struggle of individuals trying to determine

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