Examples Of Selective Sensing In Health Care

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HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM USING PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS ALGORITHM IN IOT DEVICES N.Krishnaraj AP/IT S.SruthiB.Divyabharathi R.Ashwini Information Technology Information Technology Information Technology Information Technology MCET MCET MCET MCET Pollachi Pollachi Pollachi Pollachi Abstract-The objective of this project is to demonstrate how internet of things is transforming healthcare and the role of IT in healthcare. IoT refers to physical devices, such as thermometer and some important monitoring devices (blood pressure, heart rate &temperature) connected to the internet and transforms information from the physical world in to the digital world. The fields of computer science and electronics have combined to result…show more content…
Instead of collecting the large volume of irrelevant data, only the required data is collected. For example, if a sensor is worn by a patient, the data is collected only when he moves from one place to another place (i,e) when he climbs the stairs or while performing other activities. This reduces the storage requirements. Non selective sensing: Sensing all the time, this technique collected data even when patient is in idle stage. The main issue here is the cost and storage requirements. Collection of data without any filtering. This requires large filteration of data. The processing and storing of large data leads to more costs. Activity aware module: We need collect data only when the patient involved in some activities. That is called activity aware module. This module is capable of recognizing six different activities. The detectable activities are: moving in a vehicle, cycling, walking, running, tilting. Example: The patient performs walking exercises for 20 min and rest for 15 min. Then, the patient again walks for 15 min. The objective is to collect sensor data only when the patient is walking. The total duration of the experiment is 50…show more content…
It has been used in thousands of projects.Arduino IDE runs in a computer in order to program and communicate with arduino board. This software is easy to use for beginners and flexible for advanced users. It runs on windows, linux and mac os. It is inexpensive, cross-platform, simple, clearprogramming environment, open-source. The IDE the program that we wrote is converted to C language and then compiled using avrg.cc. Binary code is produced which the microcontroller on the Arduino board.When the board is connected to a computer using the USB cable, by using the IDE we are able to compile and upload to the program. You can power the board by using the USB cable.We have to write code to interface arduino with mysql database. The data is being sent to the serial port and the python code will process it. By connecting the SD card to the arduino board, the data can be stored directly in the

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