Melaka Essay

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Melaka UNESCO Heritage area urban fabric: size of lots and shape factor (length/width) of lots. Source: Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute. The character of the historic city of Melaka is reinforced by the unique urban qualities of the streets and buildings. Compared with other cities in Malaysia, the urban landscape of Melaka is quite unique because of its sense of enclosure and the mix of houses, shops and places of worship. Along the narrow streets of Melaka, lined up on both sides, are rows of shophouses, mostly two and three stories high. The streetscape of these shophouses is punctuated by a number of religious buildings, mainly Malay mosques, churches, Chinese and Indian temples, dialect groups and clan associations.…show more content…
Different communities such as Malays, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Baba-Nyonya Peranakan and Eurasians, each practicing their own culture and beliefs, enrich the WHS and create a vitality and vibrancy that are unique to them. The city is well known for its unique arrays of food that are one cornerstone of the tourism industry. Cultural tourism is presenting both challenges and opportunities for the population living in the WHS. This new activity has created various development pressures on properties in the WHS, with the transformation of shophouses into boutique hotels and commercial premises, which in turn would have an impact on the living population that could be uprooted. The residential population in the WHS would now have new opportunities to improve their livelihoods, but at the same time they may find that their homes are being converted to other uses that threaten their way of life, their families and their living space. The potential negative effects from displacement and aging population in the WHS are as follows (Special Area Plan Melaka): • The slow out-migration of traditional businesses away from the Property Zone due to a lack of
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