Medical Leave Requirements

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Notice Requirements Employees should notify the Company of their request for family care or medical leave as soon as they are aware of the need for such leave. For foreseeable events, if possible, the employee must provide 30 calendar days’ advance notice to the Company of the need for leave. For events that are unforeseeable 30 days in advance, but are not emergencies, the employee must notify the Company as soon as he or she learns of the need for the leave, ordinarily no later than one or two working days after the employee learns of the need for the leave. If the leave is requested in connection with a planned, non-emergency medical treatment, the employee may be requested to reschedule the treatment so as to minimize disruption of the Company’s business. If an employee fails to provide the requisite 30-day advance notice for foreseeable events without any reasonable excuse for the delay, the Company reserves the right to delay the taking…show more content…
For foreseeable leaves, employees must provide the required medical certification before the leave begins. When this is not possible, employees must provide the required certification within 15 calendar days after the Company’s request for certification, unless it is not practical under the circumstances to do so, despite the employee’s good faith efforts. Failure to provide the required medical certification may result in the denial of foreseeable leaves until such certification is provided. In the case of unforeseeable leaves, failure to provide the required medical certification within 15 days of being requested to do so may result in a denial of the employee’s continued leave. Any request for an extension of the leave also must be supported by an updated medical

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