Medical Field Stress

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STRESS OF BEING IN THE MEDICAL FIELD Stress at work in inevitable. Working in the healthcare can be challenging both physically and emotionally. Anyone that works in the medical field is there for one common purpose to save lives. A medical assistant is just as important as any role in the medical field. Working in any health care facility, care is stressful because if you are not careful there could be serious issues that you could encounter. Some issues are misdiagnosing of patients, balancing time for your family and job, also being around rude or sick patients. All of these common factors could lead to high levels of stress. It can also put a physical or mental strain on your body. Overcoming these issues is really important for…show more content…
Working in a hospital requires working long hours. You have to be able to balance work and your family, when working as a medical assistant. The amount of hours you put into working in a hospital everyday will not amount to anything if you cannot see your family. You will drive yourself crazy trying to balance both without having a set schedule. In order to handle this type of stress you have to first take a step back ask your self is this really worth it. Analyze your reasons for wanting to become a medical assistant. While planning is a good idea, some days are too unpredictable. It is difficult to plan your day because your environment can change rapidly, and much of your day is spent responding to the needs of patients. However, medical assistant who do plan their day and the tasks they have to accomplish will find that they get more done with less stress. Make a list of everything you must get done for the day. You have to make a note of how long it will take and rank your jobs in order of importance. Once you have done that look at your task and see when you will have time to get them done. When you have time complete some task. I would feel better knowing that I have not forgotten anything. When it comes to your family it is always good to have a plan a and b. You should sit down with your mate and come up with solutions just in case something goes wrong with your children. You will not…show more content…
You run a big risk of getting sick yourself if the proper procedure is not put in to place. Another way this can stressful is seeing not being able to stomach a patient that is on their death bed. No medical assistant wants to see their health fail. Sometimes there is nothing you can really do but make them feel comfortable. As a medical assistant, you may be exposed to many different sources of infection. Infections may be transmitted by blood, body fluids, air, respiratory secretions or by direct contact with other infectious materials. You can protect yourself from infection by following the infection control guidelines in your workplace, by using personal protective equipment and by treating all blood and body fluids as though they are infectious. This can lead to a lot of stress because nobody wants to come to work knowing they could get their self. You run the risk of dying from serious diseases if you are not careful. Some patients may be demanding, rude or hard to please. Your patients may have many reasons for having a unpleasant behavior for example ; an unexpected and unwelcome medical diagnosis, having to wait a long time to see a physician, becoming sick or in pain or financial difficulties in paying for medical services. Dealing with unpleasant personalities can add a layer of stress to your day. Keeping calm and trying your best to help your patient with a solution, if possible, may help
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