Participatory Literature Review On Child Welfare

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Gold, N. (1998). Using participatory research to help promote the physical and mental health of female social workers in child welfare. Child Welfare, 77(6), 701-724. Retrieved from: Nora Gold (1998), Masters and PhD in Social Work from University of Toronto, suggests that female social workers need encouragement to promote the their physical and mental health. There were two main ideas in this article. First to explore the wellbeing of child welfare workers and second, looking into the physical and mental health effects from their job. Gold intended to inform the readers that female child service workers need to gain and use strategies to help…show more content…
The writer was intelligent by not showing her opinions on how to fix the situation, but instead letting the research show for itself. This journal article would be useful in my report. Gold’s data would support my topic and add evidence. I possibly will use this in my report. ACS-NYU Children’s Trauma Institute. (2012) Addressing secondary traumatic stress among child welfare staff: A Practice Brief. New York: NYU Langone Medical Center. Retrieved from: NYU Children’s Trauma Institute (2012), a non-profit organization, addresses the mental trauma that social workers face in their everyday work environment. The main point of this article was that workers are susceptible to STS, also known as secondary traumatic stress. STS occurs for many reasons, which include hearing traumatic stories or from being in harsh environments. The purpose of this article was to make the audience aware that secondary trauma can happen to professionals in any type of harsh field. The audience for this report would be social workers and lawmakers to help reduce the amount of traumatic experiences a social worker goes…show more content…
S., Fairbank, J. A., & James-Brown, C. (2011). Effectively addressing the impact of child traumatic stress in child welfare. Child Welfare, 90(6), 11-17. Retrieved from: Pynoos, Fairbank, and Brown (2011), suggested that caseloads for child welfare workers were significantly high. The main points of this report was, finding how many caseloads a social worker worked on at a time and how many cases they should actually be working on. The purpose of this report was to show all the data and to figure out the amount of hours and caseloads a social worker should work on. The research showed that what was the optimal case load was scientifically lower than what the workers were really taking on. The audience for this article was lawmakers and the head management of health services. This article was effective. The authors were very educational and backed up all evidence with more evidence. Pynnos, Fairbank and Brown did a wonderful study that showed at max what a caseload should be and the average workers was double that. I am planning on using this in my paper and would like to build on it when I have an interview with a social

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