Marie Curie's Impact On Radioactivity

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I. Introduction Marie Curie’s work and achievements on radioactivity have impacted and benefited the world in numerous ways. Marie Curie’s contributions have led to many important discoveries in the scientific world. Marie Curie was most famous for her remarkable work in radioactivity. Due to her great effort in discovering two radioactive elements, Marie Curie received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911. The Nobel Prize is a prize that is annually awarded every year to people with outstanding achievements. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize and the first person who was honoured with two Nobel Prizes, one in physics and one in chemistry. To prove the importance of her work, Marie Curie received 15 gold medals,…show more content…
The Nobel Prize was named after Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize Ceremony. II. Description of Nobel Prize Alfred Nobel was the founder of the Nobel Prize. He was born in 1833 and was an inventor, Swedish chemist, business person and writer. His interest in these professions came from his father, who was an engineering inventor. His love for writing was one thing his father didn’t take heed in. Alfred Nobel was moved from country to country, mainly because of his father’s business. Alfred’s interest in nitroglycerine, a highly explosive liquid, caused him to make a great invention. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1866. This invention helped the world in construction, because now work like drilling tunnels, blasting rocks and building bridges could be done at a lower price, when dynamite was used. Alfred Nobel died in December 10,…show more content…
Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1876 and had a general education in local schools and some scientific training from her father. Marie Curie was involved in a students’ revolutionary organization as a student. In 1891 Marie Curie moved to Paris to continue studying at the Sorbonne. At Sorbonne, Marie Curie acquired a Licentiateship in Physics and Mathematical Sciences. Marie Curie met Pierre Curie, a Professor in the School of Physics, in 1894 and the following year they were married. Marie Curie became the Head of the Physics Laboratory at the Sorbonne and achieved a Doctor of Science degree in 1903. Due to the death of Pierre Curie in 1906, Marie Curie became the Professor of General Physics in the Faculty of Sciences. This was the first time a women had held such a position of stature. In 1914 Marie Curie became the Director of the Curie Laboratory in the Radium Institute of the University of Paris. Marie Curie studied nuclear

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