Marxist Analysis

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Comparison Marxist economic theory values collectivism and planning, affected by the core values of socialism such as community, equality, social class, and common ownership. Like liberalism, marxist economic theory is affected by the core values of its ideology, for example the idea of common ownership of the means of production. Marxism sees capitalism as greater than an economic system, rather a system that affects all aspects of society. This shows the holistic ideas of marxism compared to liberalism, where marxists see structure, liberals see individuality. Such is the case with feminism, Marxist feminism seeks to define the oppressive structures in all of society, connecting back to the base and superstructure theory, where the private…show more content…
Both Sommers and John Rawls appeal the liberal value of choice, the integrity of both the individual and the market. The main choice that Sommers refers to in her article is that of childcare, stating that women choose to take care of their children. A statement which is supported by statistics, according to the UN, women with children earn 23% less than women without children. However, a dilemma arises, should women stop bearing children? An absurd solution, yet Sommers fails to present another. While marxist, like Engels, agree that childcare is part of gender inequality, the analysis differs. Engels argues that childcare is caused by capitalist structures where the solutions lie in abolishing the entire…show more content…
Hence, their view on gender equality corresponds with their economical believes, further deriving from their core values. Liberal feminism, as well as liberalism, values the integrity of the individual, and therefore believes in maintaining the private sphere, such as the family, intact and out of reach for the state. Gender equality is desired in the public sphere and the economy, however, only to be upheld by laws and the state. Marxist feminism, on the other hand believes in the community and common ownership, argues that the private sphere is one of the institutions that oppress women, and parts of it should dissolve into the collective. Here, Marxist feminism provides a more in-depth analysis of all parts of society, the base and the superstructure, and is consequently superior in providing both the reasons and the solutions to the oppression of
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