Martin Luther King's Role In The Civil Rights Movement

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There were numerous black heroes who fought constantly for the culture and ethics of human race. Black nationalism was brought about by pioneers such as Marcus Garvey and so it is no different with Martin Luther King and Gandhi. These two legends , exercised strength, power, perseverance and bravery . All the characteristics which lend to an effective leader. Carson(2005); "Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968), was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs."(149) Bayard Rustin was Martin Luther king…show more content…
(For instance, Merton quotes Gandhi as saying: “Jesus died in vain, if he did not teach us to regulate the whole life by eternal law of love.” Similarly, Martin Luther King Jr. vowed personally to the ending of violence and replace with the strategy Christian principles, 'turn to the other cheek' . Exemplifying the Christian principles, loving enemies and rallying together to bring about change. They embodied nonviolence, and used it. For Gandhi non-violence meant patience and non-cooperation, compared to King’s belief that it takes “creative tension” and a degree of confrontation to accomplish change. However, after the knowledge passed down by Gandhi, King wrote an account on ' non violence;. They began using boycott strategies. Gandhi led a complete Indian boycott of British clothes, and so did King . King organized a complete boycott of buses to promote his situation and cause until the U.S. Supreme Court, following his efforts ruled that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional and unacceptable. Secondly, by using non violence, Gandhi and King portrayed the idea of not striking back, not fighting arm by arm, violence by violence, instead they pleaded their cause civilized and just. Gandhi made his oppressors look like they were the one killing and being cruel to the Indians. So too, King practiced Christian principles, 'turn to the other cheek' . Exemplifying the Christian principles, loving enemies and rallying together to bring about
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