Managing Meetings

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Managing Meetings Learning Objective 1: Understand the different types of meetings and their suitability for different purposes 1.1 Describe the different types of meetings in the organisation A meeting is: ‘An assembly of people for a particular purpose, especially for formal discussion’ Meetings are an effective way that staff can share and exchange information, get feedback, plan, collaborate and make important decisions. Within our school we have many different types of meetings which include ad hoc meetings, governing body meetings, management meetings, one-on-one meetings, staff meetings, team meetings and parent meetings. At staff meetings matters for discussion will include curriculum, pupil’s progress, subject leadership, discussions…show more content…
These are usually requested to discuss things that happen on a day to day basis. Governing body meetings take place 6 times a year. Governors have three core strategic functions: to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; hold the Principal to account for performance; and oversee financial decisions. Governors also have termly monitoring visits to the school focusing on a particular area of the curriculum to ensure challenge and rigour. The Senior Leadership Team meet weekly to discuss management issues including staffing, finances, health and safety, buildings, policies and the curriculum. Another type of management meeting is held termly with the Behaviour Strategy Group who discuss the management of behaviour across the school and identify any problems. All teams meet regularly with their team leader. These meetings allows the team to meet to get direction, share information, discuss new initiatives and discuss any issues affecting…show more content…
Parents’ Evenings are an opportunity for staff to discuss pupils’ progress with parents. There are meetings with parents in year groups to discuss such matters as residential trips – outlining when/where the visit will take place and financial planning for it, the process for secondary school applications – ensuring parents know how they can apply, what they may need to do for grammar school application and deadlines. Meetings are held by the SENCo with parents when a child is identified as needing additional support in class. The provision put in place is discussed with the parent so they are fully aware of the support their child is getting. They may then be able to support further at home. Another meeting for parents is new parents joining Reception classes in September. This meeting provides them with information on the school and important dates for their child coming on to school. PTFA meetings are held with staff members, parents and friends of the school to discuss fund raising events and financial support for play

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