Swing Kids Research Papers

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In the movie opener of Swing Kids, Peter Muller and his friends; Thomas and Arvid, all teenage boys with a passion for swing music, are introduced dancing at the Cafe Bismarck. This would be the social norm for many at the time, but because it is in Nazi Germany on the eve of World War Two, Hitler has a ban on such music that could threaten German nationalism. After the three leave and witness a man being chased by officers jump off a bridge and plunge to his death, Peter goes home to find his mother arguing with Herr Knopp, a Gestapo officer, which foreshadows that there will be trouble for Peter’s family, like there was for his father years ago. A day later, Peter and Thomas attempt to steal a radio that was taken from a Jewish home to give to Arvid, their friend who has been crippled all his life. Peter is caught by the officers and is forced to join the Hitler Jugend, a group which they had avoided joining because of its strict rules. Thomas follows Peter and he eventually gets lured into Nazi ideology. Herr Knopp soon forms a relationship with the Muller family, not because he likes Peter’s mother but to spy on them. It is eventually crushed by Peter who believes having him in the house is a betrayal to his father. Thomas starts to antagonize Arvid, not only because he is anti-Nazi, but he also is a cripple; someone far from being a part of…show more content…
I believe I would have done the same thing, in order to do what was necessary to keep my family and I safe. He did not become a true member, unlike Thomas, who became someone that days before he would’ve hated. Peter witnessed the changes in Thomas and stood by Arvid, his true friend. Although Peter was not a complete revolutionary in his actions, he chose what truly mattered to

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