Bay Delta Water Project Proposal

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Item 2. Staff: Michael Gualtieri, Secretary/General Manager. Others present: Michael Silander, legal counsel, Lemieux & O’Neill, John Steele, resident Item 3. Public Comments: John Steele commented on hose timers for water conservation. Director McClish stated if the District could check with Central Basin if they would be interested in offering a rebate program for hose timers. Item 4.a. Consent Calendar: Minutes of Regular Board meeting for August 11, 2015. After discussion, there was a motion by Director Wilson and seconded by Director Perumean to approve the minutes. The vote was as follows: AYES: Directors McClish, McVicar, Perumean and Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Director Cooke (Director Cooke entered the meeting at 4:22pm before the start…show more content…
In addition, Director McClish, requested to have Raftelis research if the Bay Delta Project will impact District. Vote was as follows: AYES: Directors Cooke, McClish, McVicar, Perumean and Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: None Item 6.c. Discuss and Action – Support Candidate for ACWA Region 8 Board. After discussion, there was a motion by Director McVicar and seconded by Director Perumean to approve support nomination for Stephen L. Cole for Vice Chair, and Frederick Brian Bowcock, Stephen L. Cole, William Cooper, Michael Holmes, and Melvin L. Matthews for Board Members. There was no nomination for Chair position. The Vote was as follows: AYES: Directors Cooke, McClish, McVicar, Perumean and Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: None Item 6.d. Discuss and Action – Support Candidate for ACWA Region 8 Board. This item was continued and no action taken. Item 6.e. Update on District Activities. The General Manager discussed that the server had failed and required to be replaced. Director Cooke requested the General Manager to discuss with High Road IT, if District information is being backed up to

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