Management Information System In Amazon

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Executive Summary This research focuses on how Amazon and Walmart have utilized information system throughout the course of their histories to manage internal operations and to make decisions. A comparison of the management information systems (MIS) in Amazon and Walmart is provided in an effort to evaluate how these two businesses use information technology for competitive advantage. This paper will also appraise individual and organizational consequences of the use of IT, and recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes. Introduction Walmart, a multibillion dollar retail giant, has experienced some significant growth over the past here decades, incorporating different types of information systems into their day to day operations.…show more content… has managed to create value and increase profitability through right investments on information systems and appropriate management solutions to increasingly competitive business World (Spector 2000). The mainframe of Amazon’s information system focuses on Service Oriented Architecture. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) enables Amazon’s information system to be high performance, ultra scalable, sustainable growth availability and supports a significant number of software components independently and fast (Laudon and Traver 2013). This system focuses on performing the end-data to keep more customers, more items and more orders to reinforce the online sites. Bingham (2013) claims that the best thing about this system is that it has been used to recycle information in multi-contexts and partial work instead of major process. SOA is decentralized service platform, fully distributed and so comprehensive that serves multi-purpose applications. Therefore, can vary its business models…show more content…
While Walmart is not the only retailer that uses information systems, MIS puts them miles ahead of other competitors who do not realize tremendous impact this advancement would bring to their consumer shops. The successful role of information system is also evident in on how the company copes with fast changes of competitive global market by producing well matched product segments to its customers. Allowing its employees to work from any location like as its customers and business partners, has been able to expand greatly and earn a competitive advantage too. Walmart MIS strategy entails an approach which seeks to centralize several global operations so as to create a common scheme of practices that can be duplicated and effectively used at stores around the World. MIS is intertwined with nearly every aspect of this business practices from the initial accumulation of inventory from suppliers to the customer relationship efforts which Walmart has come to be known for. Successful implementation of MIS into daily practices has enabled Walmart to maintain the position of cost
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