Malaysia Airlines Swot Analysis

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Acknowledgement First of all, we would like to express our grateful to Allah SWT for His blessing and ease our journey in completing this Comparison Analysis on Internal Audit Department of Malaysia Airlines Report. Alhamdulillah, we are able to complete this project report within the time frame set. Special thanks to our lecturer, Encik Mohd Zulfikri B Abd Rashid, for the patient guidance, encouragement and advice she provided throughout our time as her student. We have been lucky to have a lecturer who really care about our project report, and responded to our questions and queries so promptly. The supervision and support that she gave us truly helps the progression and smoothness of our project report. The cooperation is much indeed…show more content…
Risk-based auditing process consists of six (6) elements which are the audit planning, data gathering and entry meeting, audit execution, feedback and clearance - exit meeting, reporting and follow up and closure. The first process is audit planning. Under this audit planning, we need to be careful with scoping and resources allocation. If we have a small team and very limited resources, obviously we cannot perform all the audit functions per department. Thus, it will affect the performance delivery. So that is where audit planning is very important. So we need to map exactly what are the risks and its ratings that need to be covered. This will then define the scope and based on this scope we are aligning with the objective. Thus, from there then we can start the audit…show more content…
Each of the department have their own head of internal control that will collaborate with the Acting Chief Internal Auditor which is Mr David who have been posses the title since Oct

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