Nagas History Essay

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The history of humankind in the twentieth century had witnessed the birth of nations based on the principle of nationality and cultural affinity. The Nagas had also been affected by the spiritual and political awakenings in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Prior to the British rule, the Naga villages were either well-knit self-contained and self-reliant sovereign republics ruled by pure Naga democracy or by the Chieftains who had much circumscribed functions and authority. In the words of John Butler, “the Naga system of democracy which is very difficult indeed to conceive as existing even for a single day, and yet that it does exist here, is undeniable fact.” But since the British conquest of India and treacherously betray 3them…show more content…
In the modern era Christianity and modern education bring changes to the Nagas social and cultural practices (like say for example the existence of headhunting practices or rituals by the Naga tribesmen and preserving the heads of the enemies has come to an end). Apart from the occasional conflicts or encountering with the neighboring Ahoms of Assam in the 13th century, the Nagas had little or no contact with the outside world, including that of greater India, until the British imperial colonization in the 19th century. But with the British colonization, the British had carried out arbitrary demarcation of political boundaries and division of the Naga country into independent states of India and Burma( now Myanmar) and further divide and scattered them into four different states in India during the course of time(post-independence of India). In the political history of the British it is recorded, “every village had to be subdued if supremacy is to be established and every tribe had to be fought if loyalty is to be won. The lack of unity and the absence of a single political system amongst the Nagas at that time proved to be advantageous for maintaining their

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