Macbeth Turning Point

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Every Shakespeare play has their famous verses that every English teacher could recite by heart. Macbeth’s famous line would take place in Act 5, Scene 5. It is known as the “tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow” soliloquy. Surprisingly, this would be considered a turning point in the play. Macbeth has been so hungry for power, it seems he had lost all his emotions and feelings. When he is informed about his wife’s suicide, he says these following meaningful words. Macbeth says he wishes she would have died “hereafter”. It took me awhile to figure out what this really meant, but when I understood it made so much sense. He knew she was going to die at some point, but he didn’t understand why she had to die now. He didn’t want her to die during all the chaos. Lady Macbeth was truly the only person Macbeth had left. He didn’t have any children, or sons to continue his name in life, he only had his wife, who is now dead. I believe this is the saddest part of the entire play. Macbeth comes to the realization that there is no hope. His wife is dead and he has nothing else to live for. He continues on to say how useless and pointless life really is. What an optimistic guy? The days just creep slowly along at their “petty pace”. Life is out like a brief candle; life is nothing more than an illusion. Life is a story told by an idiot, full of noise and…show more content…
He knew that when his wife began to fall ill and start her odd nightly sleep walks, that she was going to die or go completely insane, either way, she’d be gone. Something he mentions in his famous soliloquy, is the fact that he never even got that chance to say goodbye. He had been going so crazy about the castle and Scotland situation that he completely forgot about his “dearest love”. Shakespeare never mentions Macbeth comforting his mentally disturbed wife when she was in need of affection. Macbeth completely ignored the problem because he was to concerned saving his own selfish
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