Macbeth's Guilt Research Paper

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Macbeth's Guilt Macbeth's guilt shifts throughout the entire play, in each act, there was a new level to his guilt. Starting in act one, there was hardly any guilt at all and then as the play continues, into act two, Macbeth's guilt is at it's highest and then diminishes into act three and four. In the end of the play, act five, Macbeth is at the lowest point in his guilt when he meets his fate of death. Act one was the lowest point of guilt or no guilt at all. "If chance will have me king, when chance may crown me, without a stir." (I.iv.144) Macbeth in act one was helping King Duncan fight a war and helping him win. Act one is where the best of Macbeth shines, The king appreciates the great "noble…show more content…
Macbeth starts turning into a cold person in act four when he goes after Macduff's family to try and kill Macduff. Macbeth hires murders to find Macduff and kill him and then his family, so they can not protest and try to find Macduff. "Seize upon Fife; give to th' edge o' th' sword his wife, babes, and all unfortante souls" (IV.ii.151-152). In other words, Macbeth wanted to do anything he could to secure his crown and get rid of those who got in his way, showing no guilt, just pure selfishness. The lowest point or no guilt for Macbeth was in act five. He showed no remorse for the passing of his wife saying, "She should have died hereafter" (V.v.17). Macbeth had came upon Macolm, seeking the family crown back, and Macduff, seeking revenge for his deceased family, Macbeth then went out of his head saying "Why should I play the Roman fool, and die on mine own sword." Macbeth ended up being defeated by Macduff who sliced off his head and celebrating, giving Malcolm the crown back. Macbeth has no guilt in the end of the play because he realized what he did, he could not take it back, so he processed and then accepted his

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