Lost Generation In The Great Gatsby

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The First World War had created a generation which was named the Lost Generation. According to the American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, the Lost Generation is defined as "...the generation of men and women who came of age during or immediately following World War One". In other words, many teenage boys had lost their lives during their war created a generation of wasted life. For the men who were fortunate enough to survive the war, they came back to a home which was plagued by social and economic problems. These men were cynical, and disillusioned, about the home front and society itself. They thought that they would be praised, and valued, but instead found themselves unemployed, and struggling with readjusting to civilian life. Furthermore, the Lost Generation represented an ambiguous term. On one side, it represented the struggles of the poor trying to move up the social ladder, and on the other, it represented people who were wealthy and did not have a care in the world. In the novel The Great Gatsby, by F.S Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby and Daisy represented opposing values of…show more content…
More specifically, the setting takes place in America, which had been prosperous since it had profited during the war selling military supplies to Britain. This is when stocks were flourishing and people did not have a care in the world. They were immersed in a world which they have won the war, and were amassing material wealth. Consequently, this created a society with uneven distributions of wealth, which created larger gaps between the rich and the poor. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is a member of the Lost Generation, and illustrates how a person starting from the bottom can achieve the American Dream by hard work, ambition, and self-sacrifice. The American Dream can be defined as a person who started from nothing, and had become wealthy from his own success and hard
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