Theme Of Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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“The Great Gatsby,” a worldwide known novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, was recreated into two distinct feature films, released in 194 directed by Jack Clayton and 2013 directed by Baz Luhrmann. Considering the time gap of forty year, both movies effectively portrayed the original novel in its own way. Focusing on the theme of corruption which affects all characters, especially Jay Gatsby, the film created in 2013 clearly portrayed the theme of corruption in the 1920s with the assistance of dramatic effectiveness. The corruption of the dream in the 1920s occurred because of the social status set apart by West Egg and East Egg. Different values that each character held also added to the corruption of the dream. Inhabitants of West Egg…show more content…
Evidently, people are not treated equally and social discrimination still exists as shown in “The Great Gatsby,” where social status is set apart by the town in which the live in. Furthermore, Gatsby is a genuine and loyal character which is proven as he is the only character who sacrifices himself to accomplish his dream. He worked hard on becoming a great man, “Schedule of resolves. One. Practice elocution, poise and how to attain it. Two. Study needed inventions. Three, save five dollars, he crossed that out. It said three dollars…per week. Four, no more smoking or chewing. Five. Be better to parents.” After meeting Daisy, he went out of his way to earn money, rather than putting time to better himself. Gatsby started wanting more and more money. His character increasingly became corrupt as he carried out illegal activities and had private connections to make money. As a result of obtaining large amounts, he threw lavish parties at his million dollar home and bought a giant collection of clothing, all to impress Daisy Buchanan and win her over when she was already married to Tom Buchanan. Moreover, in the ending of Baz Luhrmann’s 2013

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