The Great Gatsby Impact On Society

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In history of America XX century is a significant period not only in economic and social plane, but also in cultural and intellectual. In XX century American literature appears on a completely new level with emergence of modernism. Literature of modernism reaches its peak in America from 1920 until 1940s. From the most outstanding representatives of the trend we can note such authors as E.Hemingway, W.Faulkner and F.S.Fitzgerald. Among those brilliant writers Fitzgerald occupies a special place – equal among the best, distinguishing with an inimitable inventiveness. Francis Scott Fitzgerald – a great American writer who made an impact on history of world literature owing to his novels about American’s life in 1920s years, among which especially…show more content…
But the American dream is melting just before the eyes. Gatsby immensely rich, powerful, good - only that is not enough even in America. The title character of the novel Fitzgerald was the forerunner of a literary dynasty, a mysterious and wealthy individuals with outstanding past. In conclusion, we can say that the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ is considered one of the iconic books of the twentieth century. In the authoritative Oxford list of ‘One hundred important books of the century" this novel took second place, losing only to "Ulysses" by William Joyce. The hero of the book seeks to realize the "American dream", which is for him reduces to wealth and prestige, and suffer a crushing defeat. A young man, ready to go to any lengths to achieve his dreams. Luxurious and messy receptions to Gatsby's house is a microcosm of the American ‘ jazz age’ through which shine through the illusions and dreams of the Gatsby, his ridiculous vulgarity and false greatness. The history of the evolution and collapse of a dream Gatsby is the story of his futile and tragic attempts to join the American standard of living of the…show more content…
Felt the unjustified own hopes, observing the results and impact of the works on the way to it, he notes the transformation of the personality, the person becomes unable to control himself in the moment when he is ruled by the Dream. ‘The Great’ Gatsby openly expressed disbelief that America really ever become ‘earthly sanctuary for man-single.’ In the final scene of the novel Carraway foresaw ‘the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailors’ eyes — a fresh, green breast of the new world. Its vanished trees, the trees that had made way for Gatsby’s house, had once pandered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams; for a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder.‘ But ‘one fine morning,’ is not coming, no matter how hard to chase, no matter how diligent to feign its coming with riotous fun of the ‘jazz age.’ For Nick Carraway this is the main conclusion from the history that occurred before his
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