Linda Hogan

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Linda Hogan- Chickasaw was born 16 July 1947, Denver, Colorado, the daughter of Charles C. American poet, storyteller, academic, playwright, novelist environmentalist and writer of short stories. She is currently the Chickasaw Nation's Writer in Residence. Her first university teaching position was in American Indian Studies and American Studies at the University of Minnesota. After writing her first book, Calling Myself Home, she continued to write poetry. Her work has both a historical and political focus, but is lyrical. Her most recent books are The Book of Medicines (1993) and Rounding the Human Corners. (2008) She is also a novelist and essayist. Her work centers on the world of native peoples, from both her own indigenous perspective…show more content…
Her concentration is on environmental themes. She has acted as a consultant in bringing together Native tribal representatives and feminist themes, particularly allying them to her native ancestry. Her work, whether fiction or non-fiction, expresses an indigenous understanding of the world. She has written essays and poems on a variety of subjects, fictional and nonfictional, biographical and from research. Hogan has also written historical novels. Her work studies the historical wrongs done to Native Americans and the American environment since the European colonization of North America. FORM OF WRITING: Poet and novelist Linda Hogan has grounded way of writing and, consequently, the reader feels what nature has to teach the native people and on the renewable female forces that shape the world. Being a Chickasaw heritage, Hogan draws from the matrilineal and matrilocal oral history of her ancient people. She attempts to restore the balance between female and male power which has been altered by the effects of early Christian Americans. Hogan reveals ancient wisdom native people have about nature but she does this in a mythological manner. “WAKING UP THE RAKE”- STYLE OF THE

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