A Long Walk To Water Perseverance Quotes

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Theme Essay -Andrew N. What is the theme of the novel so far? I believe the theme of the novel, A Long Walk To Water, is perseverance. I believe the theme is perseverance because in the novel, many characters in the story don’t give up and try to give it their all. A example of perseverance in the story is this quote, ““Salva Mawien Dut Ariik!” he said, using Salva’s full name, loud and clear. Salva lifted his head, the sobs interrupted by surprise. “Do you see that group of bushes?” Uncle said, pointing “ You need only to walk as far as those bushes. Can you do that, Salva Mawien Dut Ariik?” This shows perseverance because his Uncle is believing in Salva to walk just all the way there, since his Uncle is supporting him, he goes walk to the…show more content…
Everything will be alright.” This quote in chapter 7, page 21, show perseverance. You might be wondering, how does this quote show perseverance? This show perseverance by Salva’s uncle trying to make Salva move on from what happened to Marial in the lion country, if his uncle didn’t help Salva move on then Salva would be dead weight to the group. A second example of perseverance in this quote… “It took two full days for the group to build enough canoes. Each canoe was tested; a few did not float well and had to be fixed.” This quote in chapter 7, page 21, also show perseverance. This quote shows perseverance, but how does this quote show perseverance? This quote shows perseverance by the group not giving up on the canoes no matter how exhausting it was. If the group were to give up on the canoes then possibly the war might come to them. Finally, a third example of perseverance in this quote… “There is no one left to help me. They think I am weak and useless. Salva lifted his head proudly. They are wrong, and I will prove it.” This quote in chapter 11, page 31, also show perseverance. How does this quote show perseverance? Well, it shows perseverance by Salva trying to prove them wrong and also being the useful one instead of the useless one. If he were to give up then he would also be dead weight and possibly never finding his mother and

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