Life Course Paradigm Analysis

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Life Course Paradigm This analysis reviews several life course models by way of imaginatively developing a fictional character. In addition, I connect this to my experience as an emerging social worker. In this discussion, I examine how time, demographics, histories, and space influence one’s life course. On September 15, 2015 my group and I attended the UCLA Harbor Medical Center, located in Torrance, California. During our duration at this location, my group and I observed individuals from an array of cohorts. According to Hutchison (2007) a cohort refers to a group of persons who were born during the same historical time and who experience particular social changes within a given culture within the same sequence and at the same age. The…show more content…
Having learned that diachronic refers to changes that take place over time and synchronic refers to a particular moment in time (Bender, 2015), I can reference how Lupe experienced familial and cultural diachronics. In early years Mexicans were natives to this land. “Somos mas Americanos” reminds the gringos: I didn’t cross the border, the border crossed to me (Los Tigres Del Norte, 2001, 7). In retrospect, in one scenario, for Lupe as an archetype, if borders would had not been implemented Lupe’s family would be together. She would have a support system and would be living a better life. However, the fact that her family was separated impacted her negatively. Her life changed drastically when she was placed in the foster care system and she struggles emotionally as a result of that. A second theme that stands out to me is, how policies determine the type of health care one will receive regardless of the city where the institution is located. A third theme that stands out to me is how past relationships alter one’s future. Lupe’s ex has become a burden for her since he is threatening to take her son away. Lastly, the theme that stands out to me is the importance of understanding one’s role in family. According to Holstein and Gubrium (2007) studies focusing on the construction of meaning across the life course often center on life transitions in relation to role enactment, and role change. The fact that Lupe understand her role as mother is important. Therefore, will not allow her family to become separated

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