The Lost World Of Adam And Eve Analysis

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In today’s society, Christians are faced with a lot of difficult decisions. As Christians, we are supposed to make these decisions based on our ethical beliefs, religious beliefs, and now even political beliefs. We live in a secular and materialistic world in which science is forever changing. In the book, The Lost World of Adam and Eve by John H. Walton, offers a new understanding to scripture and battles with the idea that an individual cannot grow in both science and in their faith. Growing up, I visited a lot of churches. Probably, way too many if you ask me. Therefore, a lot of the concrete details and ideas that Walton argues in the book, I didn’t have a previous opinion on. However, there are some things I liked and things I did not like from the reading because it is hard for me to believe. I do believe there is a way to interpret scripture faithfully in a way that it will allow us to hold on to both science and faith.…show more content…
There are religions that go word by word in the bible and causes them to make unnecessary decisions. Walton reiterates this idea through the book. Walton believes there’s a misinterpretation in a fundamental passage in scriptures called, Genesis. As we all know, questions about creation, origin, and salvation have all been debated as a result of Genesis. Walton says that humans associate the ideas of Genesis with their own materialistic world. He mentions how intuition is culturally shaped and how human’s assumptions are wrong. This is why he said that Genesis is not about "material origins" but "functional ordering". Because it organizes our material thoughts and establishes roles, functions, and themes for

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