Letters From An American Farmer

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Ghazal Hashemipour Honors American Literature Sept. 29, 2015 Letters from an American Farmer Comparison: This document focused less on the role of government than did the “ Declaration of Independence”. In this document the focus was mainly about the origin of American dream where there are opportunities for everyone under a limited government, where people are united and influenced by their surrounding environment. This is while the focus of “ Declaration of Independence” is mainly on the injustice that the British government has done. These two document perfectly show the timeline of America under European influence from when it started to when it ended. This document and the “The American Crisis”, although different in subject, both have…show more content…
The author conveys this tone through various techniques. Firstly, he highlights the positive aspects of America such as “ fair cities”, “ extensive fields” and equality, against the poverty and huge class difference in Europe. Secondly, he goes into detail, explaining how “each person works for himself” and yet everyone is unite under a limited government. Also when he talks about the villages, he uses a lot of imagery to provoke the readers to think of all the potentials that America holds. He ends by calling America an “almighty continent” that has not yet been explored. Thus, the tone can best be described as hopeful for the future and content with the…show more content…
A modern application of this would be that the people who live in rural areas are different than people who leave in urban areas. But nowadays, this is no longer applicable because of ways that we can easily communicate to different environment with different geographies. In other words our identity is not defined by where we live, because where we live does not identify what kind of job we will do. Moreover, the author tends to give metaphors that involve plants and nature because he is a farmer working on a field. He brings up the idea of religion freedom that as long as a group of people are passionate for a religion, they can practice it since government intervention is limited. However, if the different sects or religions are not in interaction with each other their support may decrease and people would all be united like a country without any “strict modes of christianity”. In this line he is saying that he is not going to go into details and provide real examples. I think the inclusion of this statement is important for two reason. Firstly, he wants the readers to know that what is being said is just his opinions and may contain some bias, since not every family living in the woods would be the same. Secondly, he is making it explicit that these are his thoughts so that his later statement wouldn't offend people who do not
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