Crevecoeur's Letters From An American Farmer

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In his Letters from an American Farmer, Hector St. John de Crevecoeur describes the different societies, people and attitudes that existed in the United States during his time. By doing this, Creveceour demonstrates the effect of man on the environment, and the environment on man. In order to understand this relationship, it must first be understood how Crevecoeur goes about demonstrating this. In the excerpt, Crevecoeur organizes the relationship between people and land into three categories. The first category is land near the ocean, the second interior land far from the coast, and finally comes land so far inland, that it qualifies as frontier territory. For Crevecoeur, each category of land has a distinct environment, which shapes the…show more content…
For examples, many of the features mentioned by Crevecoeur developed in response to agriculture. In his work, Mark Tauger explains how “people became more agicultural, they began living in larger settlements…Their buildings were larger and remains include religious symbols” (Pg 5). Because of its immobile nature, people had to live near their agricultural territory, creating permanent settlements, as mentioned by Crevecoeur. But it is from these settlements and population concentrations that government, religion and culture arose, which changed the way humans lived. In sum, as humans changed their environment, their landscape and society changed, affecting the way they lived and the character they developed. reciprocal changes in the way that humans lived, and oraganized themselves. This is why Crevecoeur’s quote exemplifies this notion, because it included both the change that humans induced in their environment, and the subsequent changes to their society which influenced their lifestyle and attitudes. But does this view make Crevecoeur an environmental
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