Letter From Birmingham Jail Rhetorical Analysis

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Let me begin with the definition of Segregation based on the Websters New World Dictionary: to set apart from others. After the civil war ended and the Reconstruction time The Jim Crow Law took place in the United States soil by setting apart blacks and whites from each other on every public and private place, this continued all the way to the Civil Rights Movement. During this turbulent times Martin Luther King Jr organized many non violent movements and speeches especially across the south. One of the most important pieces of history of the time was created in Birmingham, Alabama. Known as the Letter From Birmingham Jail. This letter was directed to eight clergymen who did not agreed with King’s way to approach the racial problem. As i read through the letter I found a specific pieces that I see as the…show more content…
When it comes to be rhetoric about a social issue that is happening at that moment the use ethos and pathos even logos comes in place when King ask his audience “ why direct action, why sit-ins, marches and so forth?” (P5, PA1) Here I found no just sense of urgency that King has for his community but also making a point across to his audience and ensuring that “ I am not afraid of the word tension” (P5, PA 1) and explaining that previous steps have been taken before with no positive result for the minority. as KIng closes the paragraph by establishing an emotional distress that help his audience to agree with King a lot more than the beginning of the letter by stating “ too long has our beloved Southland been bogged down in the tragic attempt to live in a monologue rather than dialogue.” (P5, PA1) In this paragraph King is trying to explain and point out the frustration there is in the community and use of his beliefs as a guide to make a much better
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