Farming In The Nile Valley Essay

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Farming in the Nile Valley Looking back through history, it can be easily argued that the role of farming was always of great importance not only to people who eat the produce, but it is of paramount significance to any societies economy. Water plays a very important role in farming. it is almost impossible for plants to grow without water. Some crops may need plenty water while others may just need a small amount to produce. Farming provides the reality of several possibilities, such as clothing, Fuel, paper, medicines, and whole list of other important materials. Data of the history of Egyptian farming can be garnered from the paleontological record braced by remaining written Egyptian documents, temple inscriptions, as well as explanations from ancient times, including those of the Greek historian Herodotus (484–425 BCE), the philosopher Theophrastus (372–288 BCE), and the books of Genesis and Exodus in the Hebrew Bible…show more content…
Initial sickles, used to cut wheat, had flint teeth set in a wooden or bone haft followed by curved sickles with a short hand-grip Metal sickles were common in the New Kingdom. Wheat was bound into sheaves and loaded onto donkeys for storage or later carried in net baskets. Fruit was collected and packed in shallow baskets, artfully arranged (Janick,2002). Evidence of grain storage dates to Neolithic times in buried baskets or earthenware jars. Later the storage of grain and other provisions became a state function and communal silos and granaries were constructed. In the temple of Abu Simbel built by King Rameses II (XVIII dynasty) the following words are caved: “I (the God Ptah) give to thee (Rameses II) constant harvests, to feed the Two Lands at all times; the sheaves thereof are like the sand of the shore, their granaries approach heaven, and their grain-heaps are like mountains.” . The Roman world considered Egypt the “breadbasket of the world.”

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