Leadership And Leadership Theory

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Leadership is a complex construct that is subjected to various interpretations (p. 4) . There are a plethora of definitions of leadership and numerous leadership theories. Leadership theories shape and influence the leadership practice in reality. While definitions of leadership are fluid, there are some components in leadership that are fundamental to understanding of the concept. Northouse (as cited in Bolden, 2004) pointed out four common themes in the way current leadership definitions tend to be constructed where (1) leadership is seen to be a process, (2) leadership involves influence, (3) leadership takes place in a group context, and (4) leadership involves goal attainment. In the past, during the 1800s, leadership was seen as an…show more content…
It involves the shift in power dynamics of leadership from the solo perspective of the singular ‘I’ to a plural ‘we’, keeping both ‘I’ and ‘We’ as equal partners. Often, once people of the community have together arrived at a sense of the whole, individuals are then given the autonomy to explore their own gifts and its applicability in advancing their work. It also involves listening to all who are willing to contribute their ideas and valuing their perspectives…show more content…
Information is the medium through which the leadership role can be distributed among a group Leadership role exist by accountability The r-Entrepreneur must have created, and assembled his collective leaders together in the first place Collective leadership is not static Situation dependent; Different situations/problems will require different expertise which can be drawn from the r-Entrepreneur and his pool of collective leaders This applicability of the collective leadership framework is adopted by the r-Entrepreneur as well in the business setting. The r-Entrepreneur engages in a collective leadership style with his group of collective leaders. He actively uses and relies on the skills and expertise of his collective leaders, granting them the autonomy to use their expertise to the fullest for the company. As such, the r-Entrepreneur and his collective leaders can achieve much more by capitalizing on one another’s strength to manage the business, instead of having the r-Entrepreneur micromanage the whole
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