Land Development Case Study

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2.1. Land Development at International Level Different countries have their different strategies for develop the land for infrastructure or other purpose. We have some brief information of four different countries. 1) Japan 2) South Korea 3) Taiwan 4) Australia Japan: Purpose Development Authorities Strategies • War damage area • Rehabilitation • Earthquake • Fire disaster area • urban expansion • First implemented in the 1870’s in Kobe • Local Govt. • Land owners association • 70% of the urban LP is carried out by local Govt. & land owners associations • 300 LP projects covers maximum South Korea: Purpose Development Authorities Strategies • 1930- for rural area • 1936- for urban LP first project in Seoul, 60% urban expansion…show more content…
They acquire the land at low prices well in advance and develop it when need arises for different land uses. Though expensive, in India too this method has been and continues to be used for developing land for various purposes e.g. industrial, residential etc. For example, land acquisition has been adopted by Delhi Development Authority. Delhi being the capital of nation, D.D.A. was established in 1959 with a capital of 25 crores to acquire land in bulk, to develop it and then to dispose it in accordance with the new master…show more content…
The legislative history of TPS dates back to the early part of 20th century. The Bombay presidency took the lead in enacting the first town planning enactment in the country. So, the Bombay town planning act came into existence in 6th march 1915. At that period of time the geographical boundary of Gujarat was part of Bombay state. The Bombay town planning act 1915 was primarily provided for development process of areas within the jurisdiction of local development authorities and repossession by urban local authorities of betterment contribution form the land owners. In the mid-century there was a rapid growth of industrial sectors. Which gave birth to urbanization. The town planners felt that there is a need for studying urban development as one whole incorporated development in which each sector has definite rule to play. Later, it was detected that there was no relation or coordination with adjoining boundaries of TPS prepared under Bombay town planning act overcome this problem new act came in 1954 which replaced Bombay town planning act 1915 and it came into force from 1st April 1957.the first time development plan concept was introduced. Hence the geographical area of Bombay state was too large, it was felt that separation of town planning act 1954 was necessary. those was the reason for introduction of Saurastra town planning act

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