the FBI to conduct both intelligence and criminal investigations. The following are the positives (benefits) of Section 102: Pros: • The Attorney General (AG) and Direct of National Intelligence (DNI) on the behalf can authorize the electronic surveillance of foreign communications up to one year without proper authorization “court order” from the FISC. • Acquisition of the foreign technical communication and intelligence that is not spoken (Cyber, RF, Cellular, Fiber, etc) of individuals or
CHAPTER - I INTRODUCTION “History has come to a stage when the moral man, the complete man, is more and more giving way, almost without knowing it, to make room for the commercial man, the man of limited purpose. This process aided by the wonderful progress in science, is assuming gigantic proportion and power causing the upset of man’s moral balance, obscuring his human side under the shadow of soul-less organization.”- Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism, 1917. Aristotle felt that the purpose of