The Importance Of Urban Development In Colombo

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Introduction to The Article: Many countries in the world are giving priority to urban development due to rapid urbanization and to reach rapid economic growth. In large cities or mega cities they are used to be the centres for many economic activities and opportunities which attracts outsiders for various purposes like education, employment, better infrastructure and so on. But the major issue these cities face the land resource management for the entire city development. Colombo, the capital of sri lanka, has let go a big extant of its valuable land for about 50% of the city population as under-serviced…show more content…
Apart from these the author states- issues like lack of availability of basic amenities –water supply, proper solid waste management, proper access by roads, have shared toilets with no proper availability of sanitation. These do not have secured source of income because they are engaged in unskilled and temporary/irregular employment and receive poor relief grants. Family instability was also one the issues to be taken care of majorly because around 10% of the family of 22% of urban poor families were headed by females because due to death, abandon or permanent disability of husband, the women having to bear the entire family responsibilities has been a major problem among urban poor in Colombo. There were no community savings & credit programme in operation in about 80% of the urban poor settlements in Colombo and hence access to credit facilities and livelihood improvement opportunities are not available. Poor families in the city do not access to a community centre, which the urban poor consider a vital amenity in a community and hence have poor community organizations. Lack of recognition of the poor by formal institutions, this situation not only affect them in obtaining municipal services but create other problems such as enrolling their children in school and communicating with formal sector institutions. Social issues are not given priority such as Increasing number of drug addicts (youth, men, women and children), alcoholism, high unemployment rate among the youth, rising crime, marital instability, child labour have been serious concerns of a large number of urban poor settlements due to which number of deprived families are found among every urban poor settlements. The key concept of STP was re-housing 66,000 households in high rise flats thereby liberate the land where poor people are living. The main objectives

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