Lady With The Dog

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Lady with the Dog is a love story by Anton Chekhov that incorporates infidelity, deep undying love, and a mind-alternating attitude on life. The main theme that is brought forth is the indication that love can shape somebody into an enhanced version of themselves. Love has the power to profoundly change someone’s character and mindset. It is often painful, troublesome, and challenging, yet we are able to witness the touching beauty that overpowers the pain that love can bring. It shows that love can inspire hope for something better. The main character, Dmitri Gurov, is a great representation of how love can transform a person. We are able to see throughout the story the impact that love has on him and how it shapes his thoughts and perceptions…show more content…
Dmitri is described to be a man who critiques women and calls them “the lower race”, although we are able to see that he secretly he is at ease in the presence of women rather than men. One main theme that is presented within this story is feminism. The similarity we see between the Lady with the Dog, (Anna Sergeyevna) and Dmitri is their troublesome marriages back home. Although they experience the similar complications with love, they take alternative courses of action in ways of handling it. Dmitri wanders off from his wife at home and has multiple love affairs meanwhile Anna remains blinded by her unhappiness within her marriage but would never have an affair while remaining married. As the story progresses we witness transformation of the characters, especially for Dmitri. His love for Anna advances rapidly after their intense vacation in Yalta together, in a lovely hotel. Slowly, we see Dmitri’s character mature and see the alternative perspective of life that he was too naïve too see. He see’s the beauty in a not so remarkable woman and cannot let her slip away. At first he believed “the image of…show more content…
He expresses emotional intricacy and intensifies the characters emotions within a dense story(Review<). An example of this is shown in numerous points throughout the story, especially when Chekhov describes the admiration Dmitri has for Anna that is portrayed in this passage: “he understood clearly that for him there was in the whole world no creature so near, so precious, and so important to him; She, this little woman, in no way remarkable, lost in a provincial crowd, with a vulgar lorgnette in her hand, filled his whole life now” (175). Chekhov uses expressive and innovative language to construct a vibrant image within the readers mind. This is an important aspect of writing, which permits the reader to appreciate and visualize the characters emotions within each scene. The reader is able to obtain a deeper concern and understanding of the pain that love can cause someone, but how stunning it may turn out to be. Along with the imagery that Chekhov creates, he emphasizes on the colors within the environment around the characters. He uses colors to convey the emotions and changing perceptions of both Dmitri and Anna. He describes the “soft warm lilac hue” of the Yalta sea and the grayness that lies within Dmitri’s clothes and hair. These literary devices allow for enhanced connection between the reader and each character. We are able to get a glimpse of Dmitri’s character
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