Anton Chekhov's The Lady With The Little Dog

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Anton Chekhov uses descriptive imagery in his short story “The Lady with the Little Dog” to paint a picture depicting his theme that love cannot be forced; it must be experienced. Dmitri Dmitrich Gruov is an ordinary man in his thirties who is married to a woman almost half his age. The life he lives in Moscow with his wife and three children is bland which causes him to become bored quite frequently. Out of a desire for a break in routine, Dmitri begins to sleep with other women, having “something else” with them, yet it is not love (Chekhov 46). The “love” that Dmirti thought he had with his wife was superficial and forced; it was not something that was true. Anna Sergeev von Diderits is in a similar scenario, however, she believes she is in love with her husband and has a duty to be a loyal and…show more content…
Yalta becomes an oasis for the two, covered in color and freedom that is not part of their routine lives. The adulterous couple takes walks daily along the shore commenting on the “lilac color” of the water, so “soft and warm” as they stroll not contemplating the severity of their actions (Chekhov 33). They hear the “dull noise of the sea” that “[speaks] of the peace” and “eternal sleep” lulling them to forget their former lives until it is too late and the couple begins to fall in love; however, they still believe that once Anna’s husband calls for her to come home, they will be able to separate from each other and forget all that has been said (Chekhov 37). The exquisite visions and sounds Chekhov writes of reinforces that when one falls in love, all other actions around the couple become heightened. The imagery demonstrates the larger-than-life senses Dmitri and Anna are having as they fall further in love with each other. Dmitri admits at one point that he must follow Anna wherever she may go because “not once did he love” (Chekhov

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