King Arthur Research Paper

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King Arthur is widely known throughout British history and literature, and many tales have been written depicting him in many romantic and historic roles. Many Scholars disagree on whether Arthur passes as a true historical figure because records of the Arthurian period are scarce to almost nonexistent. The topic is solely divided into two opposing views: those who believe Arthur existed, and those who believe Arthur to be a romantic and symbolic character. Though the belief of Arthur in history and literature is divided, tales concerning King Arthur have forever placed an impact on Western culture. Those who believe Arthur’s existence is valid, say he most likely lived somewhere from 450 C.E to 550 C.E. The first record of Arthur depicts him…show more content…
This sparked the legend of the Knights of the Round Table, a romantic tale with Arthur as the main character. The shape of the table was especially significant in the matter of “ensuring everyone was of equal position when at the round table” (Quinn). King Arthur and his fellow Knights were under the duty of utmost romance in that they provided aide to women and always provided honor in every task performed. Chivalry, a medieval concept, was “the code of conduct that inspired the courdy behavior”…show more content…
Thomas Malory’s Morte D’Arthur, projects the reign, death, and promised return of “the Once and Future King” (Quinn). Malory recorded the tale of King Arthur into eight romances that recount his Ascension to the throne after pulling the sword from Excalibur, famous victories, Arthur’s court at Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table, the Lancelot and Guinevere, the quest for the Holy Grail, the death of Arthur’s illegitimate son Sir Mordred, and Arthur’s death. Malory’s tale remained the most feasible of the legends with King Arthur up until the late 18th century when Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote the Idylls of the King. Tennyson’s version of King Arthur, again, depicted him as a rather romantic character, sparking the tradition of the Arthurian Romance once more
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