Essay On Hearing Loss

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In normal hearing, the sound wave passes through different parts of the ear to the brain. When hearing problems occur, it is classified depending on the part of the ear that is not responding well. Damage in outer or middle ear usually cause inefficient transfer of sound, which means the sound wave does not reach the inner ear completely. The cochlea in the inner ear is working efficiently but it may not receive enough information due to losses of some wave along its way to reach the cochlea. This can be classified as conductive hearing loss because the problem is that the sound does not reach the inner part of the ear completely due to inefficient transfer of the sound wave. If the damage occur in the inner ear, it means that the sound arrives at the cochlea efficiently, but is then not fully passed on to the auditory nerve. The auditory nerve itself might also not passing on the information efficiently or it is not able to pass any sound at all. Damage in inner ear can cause the second type of deafness known as sensorineural hearing loss, where the neurosensory impulse is abnormal or even absent. In conductive hearing loss, the…show more content…
When there is a blockage in ear canal, sound wave cannot passes to tympanic membrane. Cerumen build up occurs when there is excess production and accumulation of cerumen. Excess production of cerumen might be due to genetic factors or living in dusty environment, causing high production of cerumen to protect the ear. However, excess production of cerumen does not automatically lead to blockage because as mentioned earlier, the ear has its own natural way to remove excess cerumen. Bad habits like home-removal of cerumen using cotton swabs and using earphones frequently are the causes of blockage. Cotton swabs will push the cerumen towards the tympanic membrane and using earphone frequently will prevent the cerumen from being removed by the ear

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