Justice In Plato's Republic

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An ideal man, just like in Plato’s Republic, might not actually exist in this world, for ignorance persist among people who refuse to renounce the pleasures and desires of the body and mind. While in their attempt to define Justice, Socrates and Plato bravely disproved many conceivable ideas of Justice raised by Thrasymachus and Glaucon, until they concluded that Justice should possess wisdom, temperance and courage. However, Glaucon’s powerful and more realistic definition of justice remains and grows in today’s modern society. A society in which people are self-interested, dishonest, and corrupt, and whose only motives behind an act of kindness or the avoidance of evil is the consequence of the action. Therefore, my view of the world and…show more content…
He argues that no one acts kind for the sake of kindness or rebukes evil for its wrongness, but that there is a stronger motive behind every action. For example, one might avoid evil because he or she might fear a possible punishment. Or one might kindly help others, but cannot stop thinking of the compensation, either on earth or in the afterlife. He further argues: “Because every man believes that justice is really not to his interest,” and that, “if he has the power to do wrong, he will do wrong, for every man believes in his heart that injustice will profit him far more than justice” (Plato. 360d). Glaucon makes a frightening statement, in which justice is powerless and fruitless when compared to injustice. His concept of injustice builds a tyrannical society where the stronger has an advantage over the weaker, unless a system is set up to balance the mix potentials among individuals. This common system enacted by governments to benefit the two opposite parties is known as social contracts. It prevents the advantage of the stronger over the weaker individual while guaranteeing a fairness transaction. Once this concept is conceived, then, according to Glaucon, Justice is unable to stand on its own, and because it is only summoned when people are coming to an agreement, Justice acts as a form of law decreed primarily by the weaker people to whom they have no
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