Jesus Loves Me Chapter Summaries

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In chapter one, Walter Dean Myers explains his roots. His mother, Mary Dolly Green died when Walter was a baby, and during childbirth. He has six siblings, and they are named Gertrude, Ethel, George, Imogene, Geraldine, and Viola. His adoptive mother, Florence Dean, met his father at a German hotel. Her family though, started to reject her as family for marrying a black man, so she shortly then divorced him. Herbert had worked a moving company with his father and at that time they still would use horses and wagons, as it states on page five. Then his father started to work for the moving company owned by a gangster named Dutch Schultz. In chapter two, Walter learns about the first place he called home, that place was Harlem, New York. His earliest memory was a woman who picked him up for Sunday school; this was stated on page seven. It also states that the woman would hold their hands, and sing “Jesus Loves Me”. Walter loved his adopted mother, this is an indirect characterization, but it is shown on page eight, how he would follow her around all day. He soon got jealous of his sister Geraldine when she got a new watch and Walter broke it believing it was that watch that gave her more love.…show more content…
He was suggested to go to second grade because of that reason as well as him being as big as most of them. His first grade teacher said that it was a bad idea, as it states on page seventeen. On page eighteen, Walter realizes his speech problem when a kid in the class starts to taunt him. Walters’s response was punching the kid, whose name is Manuel, in the face. Walter had the punishment of writing “I will never, never hit any student in Public School 125”. Walter loved to read and he loved school as it says in the

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