Jack The Ripper Case Report

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Constables could catch him. The police investigated the claim and came to the conclusion that there was nothing in it, and that Smith was not Jack the Ripper. On the statement Callaghan gave to Winslow to show to the police, the date in which Smith had returned to his lodgings late had been altered from the 9 to the 7 August, to make it appear that it was the night Martha Tabram was murdered, and make Smith a more plausible suspect. Smith was described as 5ft 10 inches tall, with dark hair a full beard and mustache, a dark complexion, foreign in appearance, multilingual. It was also claimed that he was knock need and walked with his feet wide apart and probably wore false teeth. N EWLAN D FRAN CIS FORESTER SMITH Newland Francis Forester Smith,…show more content…
In 1894 he was transferred to Cane Hill Asylum, where he died in 1898. WILLIAM SMITH The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser, Tuesday 23 July 1889 reported the following story. A man, giving the name of Wm. Smith, of the "sundowner" type, called at Warranook station on Wednesday evening, asking for work. He was given food and a bed for the night. Yesterday afternoon he had an altercation with one of the employees. He then went to the men's hut, seized a meat chopper, and, while the men were at tea, attacked a Chinaman, giving him a fearful blow on the back of the head and across the cheek, causing very deep wounds. T. Cook, a man with only one leg, interfered, and Smith dealt him terrible blows on the head and shoulders while on the ground, striking him repeatedly across the neck with the back of the weapon. He then dropped the weapon and made for the homestead. Seizing another chopper from the kitchen he rushed through the hall of the house, where he was confronted by Mr. Ayrey, who presented a revolver and ordered him to throw up his arms. The man cried, "Don't shoot me." He was then

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