Tarpaulin Business Proposal

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CHAPTER 2 BUSINESS PROPONENTS: ORGANIZERS WITH THEIR CAPABILITIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Janelle G. Tranate is the owner and the one who came up with the product and the business to start with. She has gained knowledge through different consultations with businessmen, suppliers and professors. Janelle individually developed this business plan proposal with the close guidance of her adviser. Since the owner is just starting, support was given by her parents by investing money to start the business and the space in the owner’s house where she can conduct the other processes of her business. It should help lower the business’ cost. As the one who handles the operations, she handles and make sure that every part of the process is executed correctly.…show more content…
Printing shops that have excess tarpaulin or have incurred errors in printing, during different events or after advertisers have used it, can find better ways to dispose the tarpaulin. Once they knew the business’ intentions for the environment they have a better option on where to throw their tarpaulin…show more content…
Larger establishments such as SM malls that cater to different types of class is a good place to sell because of high traffic. It attracts a mass of people (according to http://www.sminvestments.com/sm-malls-philippines SM everyday is visited by about 10% of Metro Manila’s population) The last is to be invited for partnerships with both government and private environmental organizations. These organizations are the fastest ones who would understand the business’ objectives for the environment. The business may also provide help to their organization’s projects. Key Results Area and Performance Indicators One of the KRA’s is the reusability of the product, its performance indicators can be counted through how many years before the tarp bag has chipped off. Another KRA would be offering a lower price if bought in bulk and its performance indicator is measuring how is the price’s competition with others. Another KRA is locating in a place that has high traffic, its performance indicator is how many people visit that store in a

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