Jack The Ripper Research Paper

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11/16/2015 Criminal Justice 2460-400 Kimberli Moravec On August 31st 1888 in the East end of London, England the first of five murder victims would be found over a three month period in Whitechapel a place that would soon be as notorious as the perpetrator of these crimes; the victims were found with their throats cut, several of the victims mutilated to varying degrees. These murders would be officially attributed to the killer, later known by the infamous moniker of ?Jack the Ripper?. All five victims were prostitutes and heavy drinkers, making these women easy targets for robbery, assault and murder. The first victim was a local named Mary Ann, subsequent victims were also locals and are listed in order including date of murder: Annie Chapman…show more content…
victims (jones) The first attempt at a profile of ?Jack the Ripper? came from Dr. Thomas Bond who in 1888 was employed as a surgeon to the A Division of London?s Metropolitan Police in charge of investigating the ?Ripper Murders?. On November 10th Dr. Bond submitted his profile along with other material pertaining to the medical analysis of the victims to Robert Anderson who at the time held the post of Second Assistant Commissioner of Crime with the Metropolitan Police Department. (?Dr. Thomas Bond?) During my research I came upon the website casebook.org which contained the profile prepared by Dr. Bond of ?Jack the Ripper?, I have chosen to include an excerpt of the information that primarily focused on the likely offender?s characteristics and supposed modus operandi: 4. In all the cases there appears to be no evidence of struggling and the attacks were probably so sudden and made in such a position that the women could neither resist nor cry out. In the Dorset Street case the corner of the sheet to the right of the woman's head was much cut and saturated with blood, indicating that the face may have been covered with the sheet at the time of the

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