Is Hamlet A Just Society

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Hamlet When one thinks of Hamlet, one thinks of a tragic hero who has lost his country, his love, and his family all within a short period of time. The world holds the tale of Hamlet in high esteem. Even today Hamlet is a testament to those who act with too much passion and revenge, a reminder that the tale does not end well. This paper hopes to expound upon the themes of a just society, moral truths and redemption in the tragic account of Hamlet. A just society is grounded on a set of guidelines that are applied to preserve order in people. In Hamlet one sees what appears to be an unjust society, where one will find murder and revenge with no immediate retribution. Each character believes that their original actions were done justly and therefore their treatment is unjust. These thoughts and ideas blur the lines between a just and unjust society. Hamlet feels that his revenge is just because his father was murdered by his uncle and he was given the task of avenging that murder. The Ghost of his father is to blame, telling Hamlet, “the whole ear of Denmark / Is by a forged process of my death / Rankly abused” (1.5.36-38). Claudius wanted…show more content…
Hamlet, who is in a relentless place of darkness, only comes into the light during last scene of the play. Only with the death of his mother, King Hamlet, Ophelia, Polonius, Laertes, Claudius and finally of himself, is it then that Hamlet realizes that his life is over. He sees that these deaths occurred because of his rashness and indecision. As Laertes dies, he forgives Hamlet for his father’s death and Hamlet then frees Laertes for his own death saying, “Heaven make thee free of it! I follow thee. / I am dead, Horatio.” (5.2.333-334). In the final moments of his life, he is redeemed from the pain, anger and desire for vengeance. Hamlet is forgiven and he in turn forgives the man who killed him, finding redemption from the act of

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