Insanity In Hamlet Research Paper

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Michael Rowe Mr. Vuong World Literature November 24, 2015 “You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are”(Lewis Carroll). From stories originating from old testament times to modern pop culture, people love characters who are whimsically insane. Madness gives a character rights or entitlements to do things one would not rationally think of, making for an unpredictable and exciting story. Hamlet is one of the most well known and famous stories from hundreds of years ago; many know the tale of the mad Prince of Denmark. However, in this day and age, with so such medical and legal structure to what actually consists of insanity, we must ask was Hamlet really driven to madness? Hamlet should not be considered guilty…show more content…
However, insanity is more often thought as by medical and legal experts as having a “diseased mind” ("Insanity Defense - FindLaw"). Going mad is not just an action that one falls victim to, it is an actual medical illness that one can measure or see the effects of. In this regard, Hamlet should must considered mad, as one can clearly see by his actions. Without a doubt Hamlet suffers from clinical depression, a mood disorder where one feels loss, extreme sorrow, and frustration for weeks at a time. Hamlet explains to the Queen “How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable/Seem to me all the uses of this world!” Feeling like this life has nothing more to offer him, Hamlet shows how low he is feeling as he grieves the death of his father. This expression of self pity and despair clearly show how Hamlet must be suffering from Clinical Depression, a mental…show more content…
Hamlet often times goes on exceedingly long and often times well thought out monologues convey his true emotions and philosophy about the world. How then he is able to come up with such complex and intricate monologues if he is mad? Others may think that Hamlet cannot be insane and well spoken at the same time. While it is true that some mental illnesses, such as Schizophrenia, forms of PTSD, and trauma to the head causes those suffering to only speak in irrational gibberish, not all mental mental disorders limit language usage. Just because Hamlet might not have some specific disorders commonly associated with insanity, he still can be suffering from Bipolar I and clinical depression. The mere fact that Hamlet does not show all symptoms of every mental illness discovered, does not then mean he cannot still be considered

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