Heat Of Neutralization Lab Report

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Heat of neutralization Reaction In this report we will talk about heat of neutralization. It is occur when an acid and base react to produce one mole of water. This quantity is measured experimentally by allowing the reaction to take place in a thermally insulated Styrofoam cup calorimeter. The heat liberated in the neutralization reaction will cause an increase in the temperature of the solution and of the calorimeter. Later in this report we will mention the theory of heat of neutralization. Moreover we will give overview about the data and results of applying this experiment with our comment on it. • Objective: Determining the heat of neutralisation of strong acid by strong base. • Procedure: 1. Dry the calorimeter and the thermometer…show more content…
Exactly 50.0 mL of 2.0 M HCl was measured into a dry beaker. It was allowed to stand near the calorimeter for 4 minutes. The temperature of the acid was measured. The thermometer was rinsed with tap water and dried. The temperature of the base solution was measured and recorded. 3. The HCl was added to the NaOH. The solution was stirred gently and the temperature was recorded every 15 seconds. Change in temperature = 15 ± .2 °C Heat gained by solution = (temperature increase × mass of solution × specific heat of water) = 15.0 ± .2 °C × 100 g × 4.18 J/°C.g = 15.0 ± 1.33% °C × 100 g × 4.18 J/°C.g = 6270 ± 1.33% J = 6270 ± 80 J Balanced equation (simple derivation) = HCl + NaOH → NaOH + H2O - Number of moles of HCl in 50 mL of 2.0 M HCl = (molarity × liters of solution) = 2.0 M ×.05 L =1 molHCl - Number of moles of NaOH in 50 mL of 2.0 M NaOH = (molarity × liters of solution) = 2.0 M ×.05 L =1 molNaOH. - Number of moles of H2O produced in reaction of 50 mL 2.0 M HCl and 50 mL 2.0 M NaOH = 2.0 M ×.01 L = 2 mol H2O. Joules released per mole of water formed = (total joules released ÷ number of moles of water produced) = 6270 ± 80 J ÷ .2 mol H2O = 6.270 ± 1.28 % kJ ÷ .2 mol H2O = 31.35 ± 1.28 % kJ/mol…show more content…
There were major mistakes with equipment and procedure. A few sources of error that could account for the discrepancies are the measuring devices themselves. A graduated cylinder was used to measure volume. A buret or pipet should have been used for maximum accuracy. Using a graduated cylinder leaves room for a crucial error in volume determination, which would then lead to errors in determination of mass, molar content of the solution, and every other derivative formula. Not only could an inaccurate amount of solution be poured into the cylinder, but not all of this solution may be poured out. There are always extra drops of solution clinging to the walls of a cylinder. This would have negatively influenced volume readings. In addition, the thermometer had to be calibrated, which improves accuracy but is itself an imprecise technique. A better thermometer could have prevented errors in temperature readings. Also, it is assumed that the specific heat of the solution is the same as the specific heat of water, and that the tap water used in the experiment contains negligible impurities. Neither of these assumptions should be made, as slight discrepancies can cause larger discrepancies in calculations later in the

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